Linea is a lighting system, a flexible silicone tube, designed by the Big - bjarke ingels group designer studio and produced by the famous Artemide brand.
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Lieferung ca. 3/4 WochenLinea is a lighting system, a flexible silicone tube, designed by the Big - bjarke ingels group designer studio and produced by the famous Artemide brand. This lighting system allows multiple solutions, composing various luminous geometries in any environment and various customizations.
La Linea is a flexible tube of light able to rotate freely in space according to indefinite geometries. It fits easily into indoor and outdoor spaces thanks to fasteners that disappear into the cross section, allowing for countless applications in a wide variety of locations thanks to an unprecedented combination of factors such as light quality, IP rating and flexibility. Line 25 becomes more and more a communicative as well as a functional tool, adding values and meanings to its light through the expressiveness of its graphic sign.Its excellent lighting performance, in terms of quantity and quality, not only allow to characterize a space, but also to illuminate it correctly. The thin section with lengths of 5, 10 and 20 meters can be overlapped to create weaves and leave the freedom to follow complex geometries such as figures created from a single line. It combines innovation with emotion, binding itself to the spaces built by man and to the natural ones in which it is applied. It is sustainable, reconfigurable and long lasting.
Light source:
- Watt: 15W / m
- Luminous flux emitted: 960 lm / m
- CCT: 3000K
- Efficiency: 100%
- Efficacy: 64lm / W
- CRI: 95
- Dimmable Typology: APP, Push, Dali
L. 250 cm - Ø. 4cm - P. 4 cm
BIG, das für Bjarke Ingels Group steht, ist eine Gruppe von Architekten, Designern, Stadtplanern, Landschaftsarchitekten, Innenarchitekten und Produktdesignern, Forschern und Erfindern mit Sitz in Kopenhagen, New York, London und Barcelona. Big hat wichtige Projekte für Artemide geschaffen, darunter die Leuchte Linea, die wie ein überraschender Lichtschlauch aussieht, flexibel und gegliedert in einem zeitgenössischen Stil, und das modulare System der LED-Leuchten Alphabet, in dem ein sensationelles Spiel von offenen und geschlossenen Lichtwegen entsteht.
Forschung, Innovation und Eleganz sind die Grundlagen von Artemide, einer internationalen Referenz für Beleuchtung im privaten und professionellen Bereich. . Immer näher an den Bedürfnissen der modernen Welt, präsentiert das Unternehmen neue Beleuchtungslösungen und ikonische Kreationen wie die Artemide Tolomeo, Tizio, Nessino, Pirce, Eclisse, Pipe, Dioscuri, Teti, Demetra, Mesmeri und Falkland Lampen. Mohd ist ein autorisierter Artemide-Händler.
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