Carlotta de Bevilacqua es una figura prominente en la escena del diseño italiano, famosa por su enfoque visionario de la iluminación y el diseño de productos. Presidenta y Consejera Delegada del Grupo Artemide y Presidenta de Danese Milano, ha aportado un soplo de innovación al campo de la sostenibilidad y la tecnología LED. Fusionando ciencia, humanismo y alta tecnología, crea soluciones de iluminación sostenibles que mejoran el bienestar humano y la calidad de vida.
Born in 1957, Carlotta de Bevilacqua graduated with a degree in Architecture from Milan Polytechnic in 1983. It was in the 1990s that she embarked on her journey with Artemide, a pivotal moment that would leave an indelible mark on her career. As a designer, architect, entrepreneur, and educator, she remains ceaselessly curious about light, continually pushing the boundaries, also from a social perspective. Her creations, recognized with numerous awards and showcased in prestigious design exhibitions, emerge at the intersection of art, science, and design.